Simplify Aircraft Ownership


Instantly graph engine and flight parameters or use tools like CAMP and Savvy to take a deeper look.


Easily track flights and passenger manifests and even connect with services like Aviation Tax Consultants.


Automatically add entries to aircraft logs like PlaneLogix and pilot logbooks like ForeFlight Logbook and Log Ten.


Replay flights, get exceedance alerts and use tools like CloudAhoy to debrief flights.


AirSync is, by far, the lowest-cost, turn-key solution for Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) and Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) available on the market today.

Not only does AirSync provide the physical hardware FDM solution for integrating into your aircraft, it also provides world-wide cellular connectivity for automatically off-boarding flight data from the aircraft.  Pilots and operators no longer have to manually download files or pull data cards from the aircraft. Flight data is communicated in real-time after each flight and is available for status, analysis and review immediately on the AirSync Cloud Service.

In addition to AirSync’s native flight-analysis capabilities, AirSync enables operators to automatically push their flight data into third-party FOQA providers of their choice as well as other business IT services.

An individual owner or operator can enable AirSync on an aircraft with a fly-away cost of under $1000.

Supported Services


AirSync and FlySto teamed up to provide you a capable, turn key ready solution for automatic avionics log upload and analysis. AirSync’s plug and play hardware combined with FlySto’s innovative software gives you a true connected aircraft experience. Connect your aircraft and have your data uploaded to FlySto automatically in just three steps.


AirSync natively integrates with CloudAhoy to automatically upload your flights into CloudAhoy for debrief as soon as your aircraft shuts down.


AirSync natively integrates with ForeFlight to enable you to quickly create logbook entries for flights captured by AirSync.

Flight Schedule Pro

AirSync natively integrates with Flight Schedule Pro to automatically import pilot assignments from FSP into AirSync.

Savvy Analysis

AirSync natively integrates with Savvy Analysis to automatically upload your flights for analysis as soon as your aircraft shuts down.


AirSync natively integrates with CAMP to automatically upload your flight data for use with CAMP services.


AirSync natively integrates with PLANELOGIX to automatically update your electronic aircraft logbooks and maintenance tracking with times and cycles in service.

Truth Data

AirSync natively integrates with Truth Data to automatically upload your flights for FOQA analysis.

Aviation Tax Consultants

Up-to-date AirSync data can be automatically shared with Aviation Tax Consultants, streamlining the tax documentation process required to depreciate your aircraft and deduct operating expenses.


The Jet-Care Gas Path Analysis program (GPA) is the proven method for engine performance monitoring and targets the detection of engine core deterioration.  By comparing trend data against in-house engine models we are able to identify potential performance issues ultimately allowing you to reduce maintenance costs and maintain optimum operational availability.


Enhance your flight training with seamless integration between AirSync and MasterPilot. AirSync’s automatic flight log uploads now sync effortlessly with MasterPilot, allowing you to analyze your flights in detail and receive AI-powered feedback on your maneuvers. Take your pilot skills to new heights by combining AirSync’s with MasterPilot’s advanced analysis tools.


Skylegs is a flight management platform for aircraft operators who manage commercial, private / corporate and specialized flights. Our online platform and apps will make your company’s workflow more efficient and increase productivity of the entire team. Skylegs’ complete flight management software connects all processes: scheduling, crew roster, training, document control, safety management, compliance, quotations and more.

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